Magyarországon elérhető finanszírozási lehetőségek az Ukrajnával való önkormányzati együttműködési projektekhez
Az ebben a cikkben a Magyarországon elérhető finanszírozási lehetőségek az Ukrajnával való önkormányzati együttműködési projektekhez. Frissítve: 2024. október 28.
Funding opportunities available in Hungary for the projects of municipal cooperation with Ukraine (update: 28/10/2024)
Name of the programme
Funding organization/Institution (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, National Fund etc)
Eligible types of activities |
Geographical eligibility |
Type of organization eligible |
Deadline for application
Min budget for submission |
Max budget for submission |
Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme (CERV) |
Networks of Towns (CERV-2025-CITIZENS-TOWN-NT)
EU |
Activities may include, among others: · workshops, seminars, conferences, training activities, expert meetings, webinars, awareness-raising activities, high visibility events, (sex-disaggregated) data gathering and consultation, development, exchanges and dissemination of good practices among public authorities and civil society organisations, development of communication tools and the use of social media. |
Ukraine and Hungary too |
27 March 2025 17.00 Brussels time |
HUSKROUA INTERREG NEXT Programme 2021-2027 |
Co-funded by EU |
In the 2021-2027 period, 66 million EUR will be allocated for project ideas to be implemented in cooperation with partners from Member states and from Ukraine. The NEXT Programme is structured along three Priorities:
Programme document:
Ukraine, Slovakia, Romania and Hungary, these regions: Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg – HU323 Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén – HU311 Košický kraj - SK042 Prešovský kraj – SK041 Maramureş – RO114 Satu-Mare - RO115 Suceava – RO215 Zakarpattiaa oblast – UA015 Ivano-Frankivsk oblast – UA003 Chernivtsi oblast – UA002 (Projects will have to focus on one of the following specific objectives:
No information available yet (but LGs used to be eligible) |
The Monitoring Committee of the new Programme will decide on the opening of the first Call for Proposals, which is foreseen at the first trimester of year 2023.
No information available yet |
No information available yet |
Ukraine Facility | |
Danube Interreg |
offer funding for organisations from 14 countries that make up the Danube region: 9 of them EU Member States (Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czechia, Hungary, Germany: Baden Württemberg and Bavaria, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia) and 5 non-member states (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republic of Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia and Ukraine). Only organisations based in the Danube region can apply and get funding. Partners in projects can be:
Second half of 2025 |